Northern California Search

Employees feedback

Seaside 11/08/24

Attend this class even if not retiring yet .

C. Sanchez


Anna Haber

Seaside 11/08/24

Pay attention, ask questions. Here is alot of info. Make sure to bring your spouse. so you get all important info.

J. Kent

Anna Haber

Fremont WS 10.01.2024

Lots of information about financing suggestion.

Mei. L

Anna Haber

Fremont WS 10.01.2024

Very comprehensive about multiple areas important to consider about retirement planning.

Shirley. S


Anna Haber

Fremont WS 10.01.2024

Worth attending definitely!

Eva. W

Anna Haber

Fremont WS 10.01.2024

Retirement from Federal Goverment is confusing, so go to this class.

Jennifer. F

Anna Haber