Northern California Search

Monday Memo: Week of July 29, 2024

Posted by: Anna Haber - 30/07/2024

TSP Launching New L Fund 

Federal employees will soon have a new Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) fund in which to invest: the L 2070 Fund.

Designating Benefits of Federal Benefits 

Those approaching retirement should be sure to review these forms to be sure that they reflect the individual's current wishes.

OPM Finalizes Rule to Ensure Temporarily Promoted Feds are Paid Properly 

A two-decades old Office of Personnel Management (OPM) advisory opinion capping increased pay for federal workers temporarily performing duties of a higher-graded position at 120 days unintentionally penalized workers rather than their errant employer.

Survey Shows Shift in Expected Retirement Ages 

A recent study by the Federal Reserve Board shows a shift in peoples' expectations about the age at which they will retire, potentially a sign of a change from the overall trend of recent years of expectations of ever-longer working careers.